Wednesday 29 January 2014

Candroid is LAUNCHED to the school! 

At School Assembly today, Candroid was officially launched to the school to highlight how all students can get involved in our mission. 

The winners of our "Design Our Can" Competition are as follows:
  • Team Name: CANDROID - Donnacha Henchy 
  • Can Design: Mark O'Callaghan 
Mark drew an eagle for the design of our can. This represents the soaring, ambitious nature of our can. It also links in with our school crest and makes reference to our Jesuit Ethos - to be the best you CAN be! 

We also officially announced our slogan: "Candroid - The Can that Can". 

Chris also successfully calibrated our thermistor! We've ordered the sensors for our Secondary Mission and Tayyaba is flying through the construction of the parachute! Soldering has also begun!

Overall, a great day for CanSat! 

By Hugh 

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Primary Sensors 

For our can, we've decided to use the pressure sensor and thermistor that were given to us as part of the kit. The readings from these sensors proved to be difficult to deduce from. To increase the accuracy of our readings, we will also use a digital thermistor and a digital pressure sensor. We will calculate the height of our can from the relationship between pressure and altitude. We will be carrying out important experiments tomorrow on these sensors. The results of these experiments will guide us through the next phase of the mission.... 

By Chris 

Monday 27 January 2014

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Preliminary Presentation 
Friday 24th January 2014 

Last Friday, the team (Niall Keating, Chris Kelly, Tayyaba Sheikh and Hugh Fitzgibbon) travelled to Cork to give a mini-presentation to a panel of judges and the other schools.

It was a real eye-opener for us all and made us put things into perspective.

We prepared a PowerPoint Presentation outlining our Mission Statement, our Primary Mission, Secondary Mission and Public Outreach plan. The presentation went really well and was a strong start to the competition.

The standard is very high in Munster and we enjoyed learning about how other schools are getting on and what their plans are.

We will be announcing the winners of our competition on Wednesday!

(*Please note: Unfortunately, our Blog domain is not mobile friendly)

By Hugh

Saturday 25 January 2014


Welcome to our Blog! 

CanSat is a competition organised by the European Space Agency. Teams from all member states of the EU are entitled to submit an entry. The aim of the competition is to promote Physics & Engineering amongst European teenagers. 
The competition requires students to construct a satellite within the parameters of a soft drinks can. There are many components to the competition including Primary Mission (satellite equipment), Secondary Mission (additional sensors etc.) and Public Outreach. 
This is Crescent College's second time entering the competition. The school's first entry did exceptionally well and represented Ireland. We hope to build upon this legacy! 
Please support us by Liking us on Facebook, Following us on Twitter and keeping an eye on this Blog!

By Hugh